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Sweet pineapple curd

Sweet pineapple curd

We have to admit it: We like parties. And especially for our birthdays, we celebrate on a large scale. All our friends are invited, we maybe open a few bottles of wine and the finest recipes are hunted down. Only the dessert has always been agreed on in advance. Ever since we tried it many years ago, this delicious treat has almost become the deciding factor whether our friends come over or not. Our Sweet Pineapple Curd is guaranteed to round off your evening perfectly – we promise!


  • 1 SanLucar Pineapple
  • 500g low fat curd
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • 3 tbsp sugar
  • 1/2 cup of cream
  • 1 stem SanLucar Mint


Peel the pineapple and remove the core. Cut the flesh into small cubes. Whisk the curd with the milk and the sugar until creamy. Whip the cream and stir in. Fill one third of the glasses with curd-cream mix and add pineapple pieces. Place in the refrigerator for an hour, then turn over on a plate. Decorate with mint leaves and serve.

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