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A little blue wonder

In order for this taste miracle to come about, and so that our blueberries can develop their full aroma, the fruits need strong temperature differences. This means warm and sunny days and cool nights. That is why we only grow them where the climate is optimal. In Germany, for example, Master Grower Jochen Münkel from Unterfranken ensures that only the largest – and the ones that have ideally developed their colour – are picked. Only then do they have the most healthy plant colour and are especially delicious.

Sweet tip:

Blueberries are the only berries that ripen after picking. They will taste even sweeter and more aromatic some time after you buy them.

Fruit customer...

So that you can enjoy our blueberries at any time of year, they grow for example in Germany, Spain, Poland, Italy, South Africa, Chile, Canada, Turkey, Morocco, Peru and Portugal.


Country of origin:

So that you can enjoy our blueberries at any time of year, they grow for example in Germany, Spain, Poland, Italy, South Africa, Chile, Canada, Turkey, Morocco, Peru and Portugal.


Blueberries can be stored in the refrigerator at about 4 degrees Celsius for a week. At room temperature they are stable for a short time and should be washed before consumption.


Tips and special features:

Blueberries, also called bilberries, are the only berries that post-ripen. They become more aromatic and sweeter with time. Their healthy properties are supposedly so diverse that they are considered a super food. And they not only taste pure, but also delicious as compote and jam or as a topping on cakes and tarts.


Our cultured blueberries are relatives of the forest heather and are native to North America. Today they grow worldwide in all temperate climates.

Vitamin B (mg/100g) 1.1 mg
Vitamin C (mg/100g) 22 mg
Vitamin E (mg/100g) 3.7 mg
Potassium (mg/100g) 8 mg
Calcium (mg/100g) 10 mg
©Bundeslebensmittelschlüssel 3.02



Have a sweet little blue break. We offer the most aromatic varieties and harvest only the most delicious fruits.
