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Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes the ways in which we collect information, what we use it for, and how we manage it.

Your privacy is important to us and we attach great importance to it, which is why we wish to express the utmost commitment to the protection of our users’ personal data.

In accordance with personal data protection regulations, and in accordance with the provisions of Articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation 2016/679, General Data Protection Regulations, by means of this Privacy Policy, the User is informed of the following.

Who is responsible for processing your data?

SANLUCAR FRUIT, S. L.U with the address in Sera Llarga, 24, 46530 Puzol (Valencia), Spain, and C.I.F. B-96128590 and e-mail:, from now on SANLUCAR, will be responsible for the personal data provided by you through the forms enabled to that effect in this Website, as well as the data accessed by SANLUCAR as a consequence of your navigation, requests or use of the services offered through this Website or through the indicated contact telephone numbers/e-mails.

What data can we collect?

For the purposes established in this Privacy Policy, SANLUCAR collects and treats the Personal Data as detailed below, which will depend on the different products or services requested through the forms enabled to that effect on this Website, as well as those provided by phone, through any of our forms in paper format, or those obtained as a consequence of the relationship with you:

  1. Identification and contact data, by way of example: name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number, postal address, obtained from the enquiry and request forms or transmitted by you via the e-mail/telephone numbers indicated on the website to make enquiries or requests.
  2. Curricular data provided by you when sending your curriculum through the forms enabled on the website or when sending your curriculum through the e-mail addresses indicated for this purpose on the website.
  3. Navigation data, by way of example: IP address, type and identification of the device, type of browser, domain through which you access the Website, navigation data, activity on the Website.
  4. Contact details associated with customers/suppliers. As any company acting in the legal transaction, SANLUCAR is related with suppliers and clients and their respective contact persons, with professionals, collaborators (in an enumerative way: name and surname, position, telephone, e-mail, postal address)

We inform you that the personal data requested through each of the forms provided on this website, as well as those requested in the corresponding telephone calls, are strictly necessary for the achievement of the purpose informed in each case, so that if you do not provide such data we will not be able to provide you with information about the service requested, attend to your request, etc., as appropriate in each case.

 What is the purpose of the processing of your data, what is the basis for its legitimacy and what are the retention periods?

Note: In those cases where in order to make a request it is necessary to fill in a form and mark an acceptance checkbox, as well as to “click” on the send button, doing so will necessarily imply that you have been informed and have expressly given your consent to the content of the clause attached to said form or acceptance of the privacy policy.

Response to queries and requests (contact section)

Using the form enabled on the Website, as well as with the telephone numbers or e-mails indicated in the Website, SANLUCAR collects identification and contact data of the User, such as his/her name, company, telephone number and e-mail, as well as those data that the user may include in his/her consultation, suggestion, or request.

In such cases, the data will be treated with the purpose of answering your queries or requests.

The processing of your data for the purpose of “Contact” is based on the management and processing of the legal relationship established between the user and SANLUCAR, that is, the management of your own request, the maintenance of the contact between the parties, and, if applicable, the provision of the service that the user had requested

User data will be kept for the duration of the prescription period of legal actions or the period imposed by the applicable regulations depending on the nature of the consultation.

Sending of curriculum vitae and registration in offers

SANLUCAR makes available to its users through the Web an e-mail address and a form to proceed with the sending of the curriculum vitae. SANLUCAR will use these data to evaluate the User’s candidacy and, if necessary, incorporate him/her to the selection processes that fit his/her profile, in case he/she sends his/her Curriculum Vitae through the forms enabled to that effect in the Website or through the enabled e-mail addresses.

The User’s Curriculum Vitae will be kept for two years for the indicated purpose, so it is your responsibility to keep it updated, as it will be used to communicate future vacancies that fit your profile and may be of interest to you.

The treatment of the data contained in your curriculum vitae is legitimized on the basis of the consent you give at the moment you accept this privacy policy by sending your curriculum and/or registering for any offer.

In the same way, by sending the curriculum, you authorize SANLUCAR FRUIT S.L. U. to communicate your personal data, with the same purpose, to the companies of SANLUCAR Group, considering itself informed of such cession.

Customer and supplier management

SANLUCAR uses identification and contact data of the legal representatives of the client/supplier companies or with other interlocutors of these in order to manage the contracting or carry out the execution of the contracted services and the maintenance of the contractual relationship.

The personal data will be kept for this purpose for as long as the contractual relationship is in force (this being the basis for legitimacy) and, even after that, for as long as required by the applicable legislation and until any liabilities arising from the contract lapse, for the purposes of formulating, exercising or defending any claims.

What security measures do we apply?

SANLUCAR is committed to the fulfillment of its obligation of secrecy of the personal data and its duty to keep them, and will adopt the necessary measures to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or non authorized access, according to what is established by the applicable regulations.

SANLUCAR has implemented the necessary technical and organizational security measures to guarantee the security of its personal data and avoid its alteration, loss, and non-authorized treatment and/or access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the stored data, and the risks to which they are exposed, either from human action or from the physical or natural environment, in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Likewise, supervision, control and evaluation of its processes are continuously carried out to ensure respect for privacy and information security, according to international standards.

With whom do we share your personal data?

We only use, transfer or share Personal Data with third parties in the terms described in this Privacy Policy SANLUCAR does not sell or rent your Personal Data to third parties and will only communicate it to persons or entities if we obtain your previous consent or in compliance or in accordance with the applicable legislation when such consent is not necessary for a specific transfer.

We will share or give access to third parties to your Personal Data where this has been consented to, is necessary to achieve one of the purposes described below and in accordance with applicable law:

Other companies within SANLUCAR

SANLUCAR, protecting its legitimate interest, may transfer its data to other companies of our Business Group within the European Union, in order to carry out all the managements and services related to internal administrative purposes.

Our suppliers

SANLUCAR will communicate or allow access to its Personal Data to companies that provide us services under a contract, when it is necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes described in this Privacy Policy such as Web platform services, e-mail distribution, Web positioning services, marketing and organization of promotional campaigns. These providers carry out the processing of the data in accordance with a contract of assignment of the processing where the conditions of confidentiality, security, integrity and destination of the Personal Data are established.

Legal obligations

SANLUCAR may communicate your Personal Data when the cession is authorized by law or is necessary to comply with a legal obligation, including the cession to the competent authorities, judges and courts. This includes, but is not limited to, compliance with requests made by the authorities in accordance with Law 10/2010 of April 28th on the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism.

What rights does the user have?

Any person has the right to obtain confirmation about if we are treating personal data that concern them, or not. Likewise, interested persons have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, if necessary, to ask for its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes it was collected. The user may also object to the processing of his or her personal data when they are processed on the basis of the legitimate interest of the data controller. The user may request the portability of his personal data in order to receive them himself or to forward them to another data controller of his choice.

In certain circumstances, data subjects may request that the processing of their data be limited, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims.

To facilitate the process, and to comply with the principle of data accuracy, if any data is modified, the Person in charge is grateful for the communication of such modification.

For the exercise of the mentioned rights, the user can request a form to SANLUCAR, or use those elaborated by the Spanish Agency of Data Protection or third parties. In this sense, we inform you that you have at your disposal models of exercise of the mentioned rights in the Web Page of the Spanish Agency of Data Protection.

These forms must be electronically signed or accompanied by a photocopy of the ID; in case of representation, a copy of the user’s ID must be attached, or signed by the user’s electronic signature. The forms can be submitted in person, sent by letter or by mail to the address of the One Responsible at the beginning of this text.

Depending on the rights exercised, SANLUCAR will take a maximum of one month to provide an answer upon reception of the request, and two months if the subject is very complex, in which case the user will be notified.

Do we have a cookies policy?

Yes, for more information you can check our cookie policy

Navigation data

When browsing SANLUCAR, non-identifiable data may be collected, which may include, IP addresses, geographical location (approximately), a record of how the services and sites are used, and other data that cannot be used to identify the user. Among the non-identifying data are also those related to your surfing habits through third-party services. This website uses the following third-party analysis services:

Privacy Policy Social Networks

In accordance with the current regulations on Personal Data Protection (RGPD) and the Law 34/2002 of July 11th on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), SANLUCAR informs its users that it has created a profile in the Social Network(s) Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube with the main purpose of advertising its products and services.

If the user has a profile in the same Social Network and has decided to join the page created by SANLUCAR, showing interest in the information published in the Network. By joining our Website, you give us your consent to process those personal data published in your profile.

The user can access at any time the privacy policies of the Social Network itself, as well as configure their profile to ensure their privacy.

SANLUCAR has access to and handles that public information of the user, especially, his contact name. These data are only used within the Social Network itself. They are not incorporated to any file.


Once the user has joined the SANLUCAR Website, he/she will be able to publish comments, links, images or photographs or any other type of multimedia content supported by the Social Network. The User, in all cases, must be the owner of the same, enjoy the copyright and intellectual property rights or have the consent of the affected third parties. Any publication on the page, whether text, graphics, photographs, videos, etc., which violates or is likely to violate morals, ethics, good taste or decorum, and/or which infringes, violates or breaches intellectual or industrial property rights, the right to an image or the law, is expressly prohibited. In these cases, SANLUCAR reserves the right to immediately withdraw the content, being able to request the permanent blocking of the user.

SANLUCAR will not be responsible for any possible content freely published by a user.

The user must bear in mind that his/her publications will be known by other users, so he/she is primarily responsible for their content and corresponding privacy.

The images that may be published on the page will not be stored in any file by SANLUCAR but will remain in the Social Network.

Contests and promotions

SANLUCAR reserves the right to carry out contests and promotions, in which the user linked to its Website may participate. The rules of each one of them – when using the Social Network platform – will be published in it. Always complying with the LSSI-CE and any other applicable regulations.

The Social Network does not sponsor, endorse or otherwise administer any of our promotions, nor is it associated with any of them.


SANLUCAR will use the Social Network to advertise its products and services. In any case, if you decide to use your contact information to carry out direct commercial prospecting actions, it will always be in compliance with the legal requirements of the RGPD and the LSSI- CE.

Recommending SANLUCAR Website to other users so that they can also enjoy the promotions or be informed about its activity will not be considered advertising.

Please find links to the Social Network’s privacy policy below:



