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berries Veganuary Campaign

Press Releases

Veganuary Campaign

(Valencia, Spain. 28th December 2021).- “For the good of nature – eat Veganuary!” – this is the motto under which [...]

Veganuary Campaign

Sanifruit Cooperation

(Puzol, Valencia. 14 de diciembre de 2021).- Las compañías SanLucar Fruit y Sanifruit han cerrado un acuerdo de colaboración con [...]

Sanifruit Cooperation

Global Compact Progress Report

In times of an ongoing pandemic, the initiatives of the premium brand have focused on promoting education and advances in [...]

Global Compact Progress Report

Business and Sustainability Award

(Valencia, Spain. 10th November 2021).- The premium fruit and vegetable brand SanLucar has earned the »Business and Sustainability Award« for [...]

Business and Sustainability Award


The multinational company SanLucar, dedicated to the production and distribution of premium quality fruit and vegetables, participated as a challenger [...]