If you want to run the “Carrera 15 K Valencia Abierta al Mar” in Valencia, you‘ll have 15 strenuous kilometres ahead of you. But that really spurred on our nine top trained SanLucans.
Together, with nine equally sporty colleagues from our citrus cultivation partner Llusar, they put on their running shoes on the morning of 17 February 2019, loosened their muscles, took a deep breath and off they went. Together with about 6000 other athletes, our 18-strong dream team ran the 15-kilometre long route, which led to the Mediterranean Sea, in the sunshine. Because sport and healthy nutrition go together, SanLucar and Llusar did not want to miss the opportunity to support all participating runners with 12000 delicious fresh mandarins. After the finish, our helpers distributed the fruit to the runners on the beach promenade of Playa Malvarrosa – and the fruit boxes were empty in record time. That’s athletes for you.
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