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Exotic fresh spreads: Kiwi and Pineapple Jam

Exotic fresh spreads: Kiwi and Pineapple Jam

What was that perfect expression again? »Eat breakfast like an emperor, lunch like a farmer, and dinner like a beggar«. For a truly royal breakfast, we’ve got a very delicious jam for you – an aromatic combination of sweet pineapple and tart and refreshing kiwi. Tastes like heaven on croissants and it’s so easy to make.


  • 6 SanLucar Kiwis
  • 1 SanLucar Pineapple
  • 250 g of jam sugar
  • 1 pkg of citric acid



Peel the pineapple and kiwi. Remove the core of the pineapple.

Crush Fruits. Boil for 10 minutes with jam sugar and citric acid. Puree and bring to boil again. Test if gel has set. To do this, allow a spoon of jam to cool down. If it does not solidify, continue boiling until the correct consistency is reached. Pour into clean preserving jars, close and let cool.

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