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A bridge for »KINDER STÄRKEN e.V.«

A bridge for »KINDER STÄRKEN e.V.«

»There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.« This quote by Winston Churchill must be true. The children of the therapy center »KINDER STÄRKEN e.V.« in Gramatneusiedl, Austria, seem relaxed and calm, but also concentrated and focused when dealing with horses, and definitely very happy. The association supports children with a disorder on the autism spectrum, ADD, ADHD, partial performance deficits, or learning difficulties.

The work with the horse’s archives wonderful results, but the therapy center faced another challenge.

The building is located on a busy road which needs to be crossed by the children in order to ride their horses in the beautiful countryside.

So, a bridge was needed! Our Austrian CEOs Marion and Alexander Thaller, who have supported the therapy center for many years, decided to help and so they organized a SanLucar Charity-Golf-Tournament. Over the past 10 years, they have been organizing the legendary SanLucar Charity-Golf-Tournament and raised a lot of donations.

This year it was 71,850 euros. 60,000 euros were used to finance the construction of a 25-meter sustainable wooden bridge. The rest of the money was spent on the finishing of the therapy center‘s building. Now the children can cross the wooden bridge to enter the beautiful landscape with the horses and enjoy their therapy ride safely. »When the children are in the countryside with their horses, you can see the happiness in their eyes,« says Andrea Keglovits-Ackerer, the director of »KINDER STÄRKEN e.V«. And we, like Andrea, are very happy about it, too!

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