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Fruit donations for blood donors

Fruit donations for blood donors

The global corona pandemic has changed our lives and turned them upside down. Hospitals in particular have felt the effects in many ways. Last year, they received 60 percent fewer blood donations. Far too many blood donation appointments could not take place because of the strict Corona requirements.

To ensure that there is once again enough blood available for life-threatening emergencies, the German Red Cross in Ettlingen called for blood donations very close to our German headquarters.

A superb, meaningful campaign that we supported with 50 kilograms of juicy-sweet mandarins and fresh, crispy apples.

The fruit was part of a packed lunch that all donors and helpers received to fortify themselves.

Donating blood is the gift of life, so several colleagues from Ettlingen also went to the give their blood as a gift. We think this is also a wonderful way to get involved in society. Thank you very much!

By the way, our very first fruit donation this year went to the Vesperkirche am Werderplatz Church in Karlsruhe. We are very happy that we were able to bring a little joy and a sweet afternoon to many needy people with our juicy mandarins.

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