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SanLucar Celebrates World Food Day

SanLucar Celebrates World Food Day

For forty years now, World Food Day has been held every year on 16 October. We at SanLucar have also made a special note of this day in our calendar. Food and a healthy nutrition are by no means a matter of course and more than 800 million people are still suffering from famine.

In 2015, we committed ourselves to the 17 goals for sustainable development set by the United Nations. These include, among others, “no hunger” and “health and well-being”. This is why we held workshops and games for children and young people on 16 October at our farms in South Africa and Ecuador and in our soup kitchen “El Puchero” in Valencia. Since anyone who is introduced to delicious fruit and vegetables from an early age, with pleasure and enjoyment, develops healthy eating habits and benefits from them throughout their lives.

South Africa: the fruit race.

On our South African citrus farm Rooihoogte, our colleague Alexandre has come up with a special competition for the little ones from the farm kindergarten SanLucar Speelskool, namely the “fruit race”. And this is how it works: Every day after lunch different fruits were handed out to the kids. For each fruit that was eaten, the child was given a star that was affixed to a poster. The child with the most stars was rewarded with a small gift. Obviously the fruit plate was empty in no time.

Spain: This is how healthy food tastes.

For the children of the visitors of our soup kitchen El Puchero, our trainee Iris organised a workshop on healthy nutrition. And more than 30 boys and girls aged between 3 and 15 enjoyed the workshop.

After the theoretical part with an explanation of the food pyramid, the kids were given free rein to their imagination.

With freshly cut fruit they laid the funniest fruit faces and fruit animals, which were all plastered a little later of course. They also really enjoyed the blind tasting. It is not so easy to taste food with blindfolded eyes. At the end of the workshop, we gave each child a fresh food tin. What is supposed to be in it? Delicious fresh fruit and vegetables, of course!

Ecuador: Fully fit in terms of nutrition

For the children from our sports school DREAMS, the food pyramid featured prominently on the programme. But first, our colleague David asked the kids what they had for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It turned out that most of them consume too much rice, i.e. too many carbohydrates. So David explained to them what the different food groups like cereals, fruits, vegetables and dairy products do to the body and what they are good for. After that, the kids were allowed to become active themselves: They were given cards with food on them. They then assigned them to the recommended daily ration according to the food pyramid. And in the end they were all little nutrition experts.

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