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Sustainable and less packaging!

Sustainable and less packaging!

As much as necessary, but as little as possible! That is our motto when it comes to packaging our delicious fruit and keeping it fresh. That’s why we’ ve developed packaging to reduce the burden on our environment.

For example, we offer our flavorful grapes in natural bags. They are made of 100 percent FSC-certified paper. This paper comes from sustainable forestry and can easily be disposed of with wastepaper and then recycled.

We have also been supplying our spicy tomatoes in the natural bag since last year. And this has proven itself. The fruits remain crisp and great for snacking.
Our berries are also fresh and delicious in the thermo-sealed natural punnet. And It is made of 94 percent paper.
In the past five years, we have eliminated 677 tons of plastic thanks to our more environmentally friendly alternatives.
And 61 percent of our fruit is sold loose, i.e. without any packaging at all.
Although the figures make us rather proud, that’s not all. We are constantly working on eliminating packaging altogether or developing new environmentally friendly packaging and reducing plastic. After all, we owe it to nature, which has given us so many gifts.

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